Tuesday, November 09, 2010


Doesn't take much to scare Lou Pritchett, does it? He is the retired Procter & Gamble soap-peddler who's circulated a missive confessing his--wait for it--Obamaphobia. I mean that literally: Mr. Pritchett is knickers-soiling scared of the President. He finds Obama alien, elitist, arrogant, impervious to criticism, anti-capitalist, bent on turning America into Europe, and much else drawn from the usual playbook. He expects to be muzzled; it's as if he can hear jackboots marching up to his doorstep and big saps pointedly thumping against meaty palms.

Let's address some of Mr. Pritchett's main points.

Obama lived barely four years abroad, when he was in grade school. He is culturally as American as anyone. Would it be better if he had no exposure to or interest in foreign cultures?

His education was paid for partly by his grandparents, partly with scholarships, and partly with student loans which he spent a good deal of his adult life paying off, like lots of other people. Since Mr. Pritchett asks (actually, he doesn't), he has publicly stated that he probably owes some of his advantages to affirmative action.
Yes, doors have opened for this man. Only in America. . . .

Obama's lifestyle has not been especially lavish; much of his rather modest fortune has come from sales of his books--which I'm willing to bet Mr. Pritchett has not read.

He never ran a company or met a payroll because, after a short stint working for an international investment firm, he decided that low-paid public service, the "community organizing" so sarcastically derided by some, was a more honorable and useful career. Who's to say he was right or wrong there? He is not the only President to have no background as a private business entrepreneur, owner or executive: both Roosevelts, Coolidge, Reagan, and Kennedy are others who come to mind.

No military experience? The same could be said of Clinton, Hoover, Harding, Coolidge, Taft, Jefferson and (gotta say it) for all practical purposes, Lincoln and G. W. Bush.

Radical extremist associates? Most of these, from Frank Marshall (perhaps Lou's heard of him?) to Jeremiah Wright to the infamous Ayers duo, have publicly expressed themselves to the effect that Obama is too much a compromiser, not radical enough!

It's not hard to find info on Obama's path to the White House. I would recommend The Bridge, by David Remnick, and there are other sources as well. Mr. Pritchett would probably find most of these unacceptably liberal, but has he troubled to read any serious biographies of Obama, or just the usual screeds by Malkin, D'Souza and the like?

Turned health care over to the government? Then why did he never seriously argue for single-payer, still less true socialized medicine a la Britain's NHS, settling instead for (again) a compromise that gave health insurance companies millions of new customers?

Wind mills preferable to coal, oil and gas? Sorry, haven't heard Obama say anything of the sort, but fossil fuels are finite resources, which wind is not, so perhaps he should.

Wants to kill the capitalist goose which has delivered the world's highest standard of living? First off, is America's the world's highest standard of living? Ask the Danes, the Dutch or the Swiss and they'll laugh (or maybe yodel) at you for your ignorance. And if Obama wanted to kill capitalism, why did he bail out private banks, insurance companies and auto firms? Last I looked, the market was up since 2008.

Demonizes O'Reilly, Hannity, Limbaugh, Beck et al. ? Pardon me, but the man's only human, and, while I would expect the POTUS to exercise some restraint, what have these guys been doing for the last two years if not demonizing him?

Judging by the pic accompanying this dire missive, Lou Pritchett should get his head out of his own book, get himself off his yacht (not that there's anything wrong with having a yacht), take his mind off his bottom line for a minute, take a look at the world around him and stop being such a fraidycat!

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