Sunday, January 15, 2012


Your concerns were the concerns of a lot of us these days: the manipulation of words ("grammar"), the manipulation of standards of value ("currency"), the sources of authority (the Constitution), the justifications for violence (wars), the necessity and at the same time the vacuity of formal education (PCC or elsewhere), individual rights ("freedom of speech"), a very likely dire economic future ("homelessness," "low-income pay"). Your reading list (Orwell, Huxley, Marx, Hitler, Nietzsche, Ayn Rand, Plato) includes works everyone should probably be familiar with.

But dude, your midnight video! Halfway through it, some sort of guitar music begins in the background, suggesting a perspective in which everyone more or less has to have a playlist and everything that happens has to have a soundtrack. It's mostly in the cadence and tenor of your speech and the spooky near-deserted campus-at-night setting that I get hints of what you might be about.


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