Liberals like Jon Stewart think Obama’s Libyan intervention makes no sense at all: if its purpose is humanitarian, then why not Yemen? or Bahrain? or for that matter, Darfur?
Radicals and socialists and environmentalists and pacifists are against it because it’s yet another instance of US “capitalist-imperialist warmongering,” because it will probably leave the Libyan sands rich with depleted uranium, and because it means breaking things and killing people.
Neocons are critical because it wasn’t laid on soon enough. Many folks think Obama got pussy-whipped by three bitches named Hillary, Susan and Samantha, or that America did, because the nation assumed the position successively for the rebels, the Arab League, the UN and the French. Constitutionally-minded conservatives (and many on the left as well) insist that Obama should have asked Congress for a war declaration–or at least laid his case before the full Senate and House. The military follow orders, but surely hate it because it strains the already strained US armed forces, and seems to have no clear objective, least of all anything that could be called "victory." Many civilians, right and left, have apprehensions about the open-endedness and likely expense of a third war on top of two already in progress.
Some–also from both right and left–have pointed out that we have no idea who the rebels in Libya even are: as Qaddafi himself warned, it could turn out that America very stupidly has gotten itself into an alliance with Al-Qaida!!
Yet early polls seemed to show Obama getting a bounce from this misbegotten affair, same as LBJ every time he escalated, and Bush when we first went into Iraq, but you can bet it won't last.
Why in the name of heaven did anybody think this was a good idea?
Radicals and socialists and environmentalists and pacifists are against it because it’s yet another instance of US “capitalist-imperialist warmongering,” because it will probably leave the Libyan sands rich with depleted uranium, and because it means breaking things and killing people.
Neocons are critical because it wasn’t laid on soon enough. Many folks think Obama got pussy-whipped by three bitches named Hillary, Susan and Samantha, or that America did, because the nation assumed the position successively for the rebels, the Arab League, the UN and the French. Constitutionally-minded conservatives (and many on the left as well) insist that Obama should have asked Congress for a war declaration–or at least laid his case before the full Senate and House. The military follow orders, but surely hate it because it strains the already strained US armed forces, and seems to have no clear objective, least of all anything that could be called "victory." Many civilians, right and left, have apprehensions about the open-endedness and likely expense of a third war on top of two already in progress.
Some–also from both right and left–have pointed out that we have no idea who the rebels in Libya even are: as Qaddafi himself warned, it could turn out that America very stupidly has gotten itself into an alliance with Al-Qaida!!
Yet early polls seemed to show Obama getting a bounce from this misbegotten affair, same as LBJ every time he escalated, and Bush when we first went into Iraq, but you can bet it won't last.
Why in the name of heaven did anybody think this was a good idea?
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