Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Obama's seems to be a decent man who might even be a great president--but I think it's time to emphasize good old-fashioned partisanship. Vote the party as much as if not more than the person.

Say/shout/write/blog/tweet from the rooftops: enough is enough! Vote Democrat!

Unnecessary war waged incompetently, a military abused and stretched way thin, illegal immigration that we can't live with and can't live without, job losses, no energy policy at all (that we know of, except to drill like a sadistic dentist) in the face of probable peak oil, a shitstorm of bad debt here, there and everywhere.

This is what eight years of Republican rule, in the absence of a veto-proof opposition majority in Congress, have wrought. Time to return to the party of the people--"the Democracy," as 19th-century Americans called it.

The Democracy has flubbed and floundered and triangulated and been its own worst enemy at times, but still it stands. It offers an alternative to the idolatrous worship of the free market. It refuses to become a wholly owned subsidiary of moneyed elites or deranged evangelicals.

With or without Obama, I'm betting the Democrats can make gains this year simply by running against the Republicans as Republicans, and as proud Democrats.

And yes: say, "I support the Democrat Party."

I know it originated as a faintly derogatory usage, but I for one have adopted it with pride.



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